Sunday, June 28, 2009

A Few Months

The past few months have been, hmmm, different.

This spring and summer is the first time I've been off from officiating in 2 years. The previous couple of years I had officiated in the Arena Football 2 league but suffered a bad ankle injury in the last game of the year. I took this season off to let it heal.

With that said I haven't been bored by any means. For a few weeks I officiated one of my favorite sports, Flag Football. It was a youth league on Saturday mornings. It was nice as well because the parents were very calm.

I've also officiated some Men's basketball games and some AAU basketball.

For the first time our crew was selected to officiate our tri-state's high school all-star football game in early June. It was a Thursday night and the weather was awesome. Let me say it was a very exciting game.

The halftime score was 10-7, but it was fireworks city in the second half. There were some special rules for this game. Only so many guys could blitz and had to do it a certain way. We also played according to the rules for the upcoming season so two penalties were enforced for horse-collar tackles.

For the most part I felt great out there. Definitely had to shake off some rust. We did have one situation on the goalline that I may have missed. I plan to borrow a tape to see if I missed it and will work on improving so it doesn't happen again.

Next week I start officiating in a 7 on 7 league. This will be a nice tune-up before it's full go in August. Next thing you know it will be time to attend our football meetings.