Thursday, November 20, 2008

Dustin Carter Documentary Review

Date night was officially a success!

After leaving work today I had to immediately go to a basketball officials meeting. After the meeting I literally went across the street to Scott's house and picked up the brand new Dustin Carter Documentary.

Called my wife and decided to pick up some food before going home. Then we finally got to sit down and watch the new dvd.

Here is my official breakdown and take on it.

The dvd has four different sections. Documentary, Instructional, Day in the Life, and Scrap Book. I will say up front that I enjoyed the video very much and can't wait to watch it again. Next week we're taking it over the In-laws for Thanksgiving and my wife got all giddy because she knows that her parents will love it!

We plan to take it over my parents for Christmas.

When I picked it up tonight, Scott said my wife will appreciate the Instructional part since she used to be a personal trainer. He was right. She thought it was very important and relevant for the instructional to be on the video and was in awe of how Dustin does things that he does.

I asked her honest opinion of what she thought of it after we were done and she thought that it was really good and for a non-hollywood documentary it was a 10. She could tell that it took a lot of work to make this video. She could also tell that Scott really cares about Dustin.

The Documentary chapter was her favorite part and she almost cried once (she never cries on movies). She loved to see the inside of Dustin's life on a personal level. She thought Dustin interviewed really well and was nails. She said Scott and Dustin were both sincere and that this video served it's purpose. She added that it's worth the price and it's for any athlete, family, workplace, hospital, and sports teams. I know I said 'here's my official breakdown', but she said it all and I concur.

I've been known for being a hard movie critic and for being too honest. That's just how I am so here goes. My wife really did say it all. Wrestling fans live and die by the movie Vision Quest. We love it. However if I really stop and think I would give the movie a 6 out of 10. Documentaries are totally different than movies and I would give this a 8.5 out of 10 hollywood or non-hollywood. It definitely compares to other documentaries. I love to watch inspiring movies or documentaries and I guess this is my newest 'Rudy'.

I don't want to give to much away but it is a tie between my favorite sections, 'Documentary' and 'Day in the Life'.

These guys have definitely inspired me and I have used past videos of them several times at work. Can't wait to show this one. Any of you that decide to purchase this hopefully enjoy it as much as we did and maybe, just maybe it will bring even more fans and participants to this awesome sport.

Who knows maybe some more referees too!

Dustin and Reggie Bush. When the New Orleans Saints came to town to play against the Bengals this preseason, Dustin was asked to come into their locker room and speak to the team.

Once again you can purchase this documentary of Dustin at